APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 23, 2018 MINUTES A. October 23, 2018 Draft Meeting Minutes
PUBLIC HEARINGS - Anyone wishing to speak on any hearing item must be sworn in prior to giving testimony. The Planning Commission reserves the right to limit the time for individual testimony based on the number of persons wishing to speak. CU-18-005 Request by Alan Tooraen, Agent for Fred C. Dobbs LLC, for approval of a Conditional Use Permit in the CD-AL (Algodones Community District) to allow for commerrcial business establishments of up to 10,000 square feet. The purpose of the request is to allow for an auto repair building on the property. The location of the proposed use is 1403 NM Highway 313, Tract 48-B, MRGCD Map 5, Section 2, Township 13 North, Range 4 East, NMPM, Algodones, Sandoval County, New Mexico. The site contains approximately 0.87 acre.
CU-18-006 Request by Garrett Linville for a Conditional Use Permit in the RRA (Rural Residential/Agricultural) Zone to allow for a Family Cluster Development within a site of approximately 3.9 acres, located aat 6 naranjo Creek Road, La Jara, NM, Tract A-1, Lands of Linville, Grady, and Crabtree, Section 6, Township 22 North, Range 1 West, NMPM, Sandoval County, NM.
C. CU-18-007 Request by Jose Arellano for a Conditional Use Permit in the RRA (Rural Residential/Agricultural) Zone within a site of approxmiately 22 acres, Tract C-1, Lands of Elizardo and Irene Jacquez, Section 30, Township 22 North, Range 1 West, NMPM, Sandoval County, NM. The purpose of the request is to establish a Conditional Use status for "Buildings or Structures that would otherwise be defined as "Accessory Structures" to a dwelling unit under the terms of Section 6, Definitions, Sandoval County Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance but are not physically located on the same lot with a dwelling unit" (Section 9 (1). RRA - Rural Residential Agricultural District, Conditional Uses), in order to obtain a County-issued address for the subject site. 11. ADJOURN
APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 23, 2018 MINUTES A. October 23, 2018 Draft Meeting Minutes
PUBLIC HEARINGS - Anyone wishing to speak on any hearing item must be sworn in prior to giving testimony. The Planning Commission reserves the right to limit the time for individual testimony based on the number of persons wishing to speak. CU-18-005 Request by Alan Tooraen, Agent for Fred C. Dobbs LLC, for approval of a Conditional Use Permit in the CD-AL (Algodones Community District) to allow for commerrcial business establishments of up to 10,000 square feet. The purpose of the request is to allow for an auto repair building on the property. The location of the proposed use is 1403 NM Highway 313, Tract 48-B, MRGCD Map 5, Section 2, Township 13 North, Range 4 East, NMPM, Algodones, Sandoval County, New Mexico. The site contains approximately 0.87 acre.
CU-18-006 Request by Garrett Linville for a Conditional Use Permit in the RRA (Rural Residential/Agricultural) Zone to allow for a Family Cluster Development within a site of approximately 3.9 acres, located aat 6 naranjo Creek Road, La Jara, NM, Tract A-1, Lands of Linville, Grady, and Crabtree, Section 6, Township 22 North, Range 1 West, NMPM, Sandoval County, NM.
C. CU-18-007 Request by Jose Arellano for a Conditional Use Permit in the RRA (Rural Residential/Agricultural) Zone within a site of approxmiately 22 acres, Tract C-1, Lands of Elizardo and Irene Jacquez, Section 30, Township 22 North, Range 1 West, NMPM, Sandoval County, NM. The purpose of the request is to establish a Conditional Use status for "Buildings or Structures that would otherwise be defined as "Accessory Structures" to a dwelling unit under the terms of Section 6, Definitions, Sandoval County Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance but are not physically located on the same lot with a dwelling unit" (Section 9 (1). RRA - Rural Residential Agricultural District, Conditional Uses), in order to obtain a County-issued address for the subject site. 11. ADJOURN