1. Welcome by Chairman Don Chapman 2. Introductions
3. Purpose of the Commission Work Session is to review and discuss the ICIP Process and how it relates to Economic Development; to discuss and score the proposed projects that have been submitted by department heads 4. Presentation by Fred S. Marquez, Sandoval County Construction and Special Projects Manager. a) ICIP defined b) Projects overview c) Economic Development and Infrastructure d) Review and rate ICIP projects 5. Conclude
1. Welcome by Chairman Don Chapman 2. Introductions
3. Purpose of the Commission Work Session is to review and discuss the ICIP Process and how it relates to Economic Development; to discuss and score the proposed projects that have been submitted by department heads 4. Presentation by Fred S. Marquez, Sandoval County Construction and Special Projects Manager. a) ICIP defined b) Projects overview c) Economic Development and Infrastructure d) Review and rate ICIP projects 5. Conclude