1. Welcome by Chairman Don Chapman 2. Introductions
3. Purpose of the Commission Work Session is to review and discuss the proposed employee climate assessment survey; discuss and develop the process for implementing and administering the survey process; and to discuss the desired format for reporting survey results. 4. Web Ex live presentation by Marilyn Mitchell, Insightlink Communications: a) Introduction to survey process and steps b) Review of the survey questionnaire – intent of each question c) Discuss / edit survey questions d) Review and discuss survey data reporting formats 5. Conclude
1. Welcome by Chairman Don Chapman 2. Introductions
3. Purpose of the Commission Work Session is to review and discuss the proposed employee climate assessment survey; discuss and develop the process for implementing and administering the survey process; and to discuss the desired format for reporting survey results. 4. Web Ex live presentation by Marilyn Mitchell, Insightlink Communications: a) Introduction to survey process and steps b) Review of the survey questionnaire – intent of each question c) Discuss / edit survey questions d) Review and discuss survey data reporting formats 5. Conclude