1. Introductions 2. Purpose of the Workshop Purpose of the Commission workshop is to identify, discuss and develop the federal legislative priorities for Sandoval County’s 2018 Federal Program. The discussion will cover the status of FY 2017 legislative and appropriations relevant to Sandoval County’s interests and Congressional action on the FY18 budget. The workshop will lead to the future adoption of a Sandoval County Commission resolution for the County’s 2018 Federal Program. The County’s Federal Program provides guidance for Washington, DC advocacy activities and communicates the County’s federal legislative and program/project priorities to the Congress, County’s Congressional delegation, and federal agencies.
3. Presentation by John O’Donnell and Kyriakos Pagonis – Murray, Montgomery & O’Donnell 4. County priorities: Economic Development Infrastructure Natural Resources Community Health and Public Safety 5. Resolution 6. Conclude
1. Introductions 2. Purpose of the Workshop Purpose of the Commission workshop is to identify, discuss and develop the federal legislative priorities for Sandoval County’s 2018 Federal Program. The discussion will cover the status of FY 2017 legislative and appropriations relevant to Sandoval County’s interests and Congressional action on the FY18 budget. The workshop will lead to the future adoption of a Sandoval County Commission resolution for the County’s 2018 Federal Program. The County’s Federal Program provides guidance for Washington, DC advocacy activities and communicates the County’s federal legislative and program/project priorities to the Congress, County’s Congressional delegation, and federal agencies.
3. Presentation by John O’Donnell and Kyriakos Pagonis – Murray, Montgomery & O’Donnell 4. County priorities: Economic Development Infrastructure Natural Resources Community Health and Public Safety 5. Resolution 6. Conclude